Tour Racine ( Root Tower )
I needed a pretext to materialize my absolute passion for curves. My orgasmic pleasure to trace a perfect volute with a stroke of a pencil. I had to find the most rigid and 'phallic' monument, and make it an ode to the curve, the luxuriance.
It was before my eyes ... French ... The Eiffel Tower is anchored in us as the navel sits at the center of our anatomy.
A frenzy of art deco reminiscences, a bit of noodle style, an evanescence of vegetations stamped with Chinese prints - plum - bamboo - cherry - perhaps to discern one day the volute of the fall of a woman hip. Everything is possible when the brain no longer dictates the hand and this work was a destructuration that delighted me.
My 'Root Tower' starts from much deeper than us and is sure to grow forever, always, now that it is vegetalized.. Like a metronome that has stopped, time no longer has a hold on it. Only the pleasure of watching it will make it live forever.
Pieces of raw steel, oxidized, sanded and assembled at a distance from each other to form a sculpture in volume, in high relief, hanging a few inches from the wall with a simple hook.
Artist : Frédéric DATY
Size : 119 cm x 136 cm x 26 cm
Year : 2019